Position in poker is one of the most important factors affecting your chances to find out how to win at Texas hold'em more often. Playing with position on your opponents both reduces your risk. Strategy for starting Position in Texas Hold'em. It won't take any good poker player long to understand the value of position in Texas Hold'em. Position is defined in relation to a player's proximity to the dealer's button and should have a big impact on the thought process of any good poker players. The majority of winning players do not include limping in their preflop poker strategy; unsurprisingly the majority of losing players think limping is the go-to strategy. Limping isn’t an effective approach as the small, ‘insignificant' losses add up quickly. See our Texas Holdem strategy guide for more information on limping. About Texas Holdem Strategy TexasHoldemStrategy.net is one of the most trusted and reputable poker information websites. We are dedicated to bringing you the best poker strategy articles and coaching videos on Texas Holdem.

Position at the table, or where a player sits relative to the dealer, is one of the aspects of poker most often overlooked by rookie players. They mistakenly think that all seats are created equal, and that what matters most is what cards you have in your hand. This couldn't be further from the truth-- as Norwegian wűnderkind Annette Obrestad demonstrated, professional players know 'how important it is to play position and to pay attention to the players at the table'-- Obrestad won a sit and go game online where she looked at her cards only once (on an all-in) during the entire tournament.

The best position that you can hold in a poker game is the one where you're the last person to act, i.e., you get to make your decisions after observing everyone else at the table as they make theirs. In poker lingo, you're said to 'have position' on any players who have gone before you (those who have already taken their action by the time you take yours) and you're 'out of position' with those who come after you (those who can take your actions into account when considering your own). This is because there is a distinct advantage to having a position that allows you to go after the other players, and a distinct disadvantage if they end up going after you. Generally speaking, you have position on the players to your right and are out of position with the players on your left, although certain circumstances can change this. If your opponent has the button, for instance, or you are to the left of the blinds on the first round of betting, you are out of position with them.

Position in a poker game is generally broken down into early position, middle position, late position, and the blinds.

Early Position


The first three players after the blind generally comprise early position (although obviously, all of the positions shift depending on the total number of players at the table). In Texas Hold'em and the majority of beginner-level poker varieties, the general rule is that the later your position, the better, so early position requires a player to really be careful about what cards he or she plays. When you're in an early position, you don't want to move forward with a weak hand, because you have no control over the betting and will likely lose unless you have the nuts.

In games like Omaha and Stud, early position offers certain advantages-- meaning that it's not all bad news if you're stuck in an early position. However, there's a lot more strategy involved in these poker variants, and you need to know the strategy that is specific to these games and think on your feet to really be successful. As a beginner, though, you can just stick with 'early is bad, late is good' and stay away from Omaha.

Under the Gun (UtG)

If you're under the gun, or UtG as it's commonly abbreviated in poker circles, you're sitting in the earliest position at the table. This puts you at a strong disadvantage, because you have to decide how you're going to act before anyone else, and they will all be able to take your action into account when making their own decisions. The number of starting hands that are actually worth playing from this position are very few-- when you're in this position, you don't have a lot of leeway and will probably end up folding the majority of hands that you get (if you're playing right).

Middle Position

Middle position generally refers to players who are after the first three players after the blinds and before the last two players before the blinds-- i.e., any players who are not early position or late position. Middle position isn't ideal, but it's not too bad, either. Since most hands of poker get whittled down to just a couple players at the table (as the rest have folded), you'll still have position on any of the players who go before you if you end up in heads-up play with them. In middle position, you have greater freedom in terms of which hands are actually worth playing, although your options aren't as wide open as they are in late position.

Late Position

The last two players before the blinds are generally considered to be in last position, the most advantageous of positions in a poker game as you can assess everyone else's actions and go from there. If you're adept at tells and knowing when other players are bluffing, you might have a good idea of what other players are holding in their hands by the time your turn to bet comes around. If you're in last position, you have a lot more options in terms of what hands you can actually run with.

Betting Position

Being in a late position in the game offers you the opportunity to claim the pot if other players have flopped or hesitated to bet before you. By betting in late position, you have the chance to bluff and push other players out of the running, therefore claiming the pot for yourself. If you don't have a particularly strong hand, you have a chance of taking the pot, but you should also be willing to bow out and fold if someone else raises after you. This is called a check-raise (when someone checks, hoping for another player to raise, and then re-raises), and it's often used to trap players into committing to a pot for which they don't have a strong enough hand. The value of this last position also varies if you're playing something other than Texas Hold'em-- while it still has value, being in the very last spot (the button) makes it very difficult to pull off a solid raise in games like Omaha HiLo and some varieties of stud.

The Button

The button, which designates who the 'dealer' is during a particular hand, is widely considered the strongest position at the table because this individual is the last one to bet in each round (except the first, when the blinds go last). This not only gives the person with the button the most information for making decisions, but it also puts him or her in the prime betting position, allowing them to bluff in order to drive others out. When someone raises on the button pre-flop, it's called a button raise, and experienced players are likely to notice if you make button raises too often, which will counteract their efficiency when other players start to call whenever you bet from this position.

Big and Small Blinds

There are benefits to sitting in the blinds, but mastering the balance of the strengths of these positions with the vulnerabilities that they also have is the key to playing them well. Players in the blinds have already contributed to the pot-- either half (small blind) the minimum bet or all of it (big blind)-- before the round of betting starts. During the first round, the small and large blinds bet last, but they bet first every round after that. This means that the blinds have the advantage during the first round of betting but lose it quickly thereafter and will find themselves in a more vulnerable position. Since players in the blinds have already thrown money into the pot, they essentially get a look at the flop for free (or half the normal cost), which is a very strong advantage.

What many beginning players fail to understand about playing the blinds is that this advantage isn't permanent. Many players don't fold when they should while in the blinds-- a lousy hand is still a lousy hand and holding onto it isn't going to make it any better-- and they often fail to assess their cards as someone sitting in early position should (more allowances are made for late position, and many novice players in the blinds will assess their cards as though they were sitting in late position, which becomes a regrettable move as soon as the first round of betting is over and the player's hand loses some of its relative strength). Other beginning players will call raises made by other players, thinking that the difference isn't too great. Such players take for granted that the money for the blind isn't 'free money'-- it's something they've already coughed up for this round-- and they're more willing to throw good money after bad by calling a raise made by someone with a better hand than they have.

When playing the blinds, always remember to be conservative-- while there's no harm in checking and seeing the flop (if you're the big blind), don't get too attached to the cards that you have while in this position, or you may end up throwing money away. Statistically speaking, players lose more money in the blinds than they gain.

Advanced Texas Holdem Strategy

Good Texas Hold'em Strategy

Although it's possible to talk about Texas Hold'em strategy indefinitely, due to the game's subtle complexities, we've compiled three of the most salient pieces of poker advice every aspiring pro should know.

Pulling off fancy bluffs and check-raising the river with a small value bet may be enticing propositions. However, if you haven't mastered the basics, then you'll never have the ability to play like Phil Ivey and run these sorts of complex plays.

With this in mind, here are some good strategies online players with a burgeoning bankroll should commit to memory.

Cut Down the Amount of Hands You Play

Learn Texas Holdem Strategy

One of the biggest mistakes novice players make when they first start playing Texas Hold'em is to get involved in too many hands.

Although the prospect of making a strong hand or bluffing our opponent is appealing, it's can actually be a major drain on your bankroll if you get involved in a lot of pots.

One important fact to remember is that if you play a lot of hands you will make a pair less than two-thirds of the time and this often means you'll have to fold a lot post-flop.

Secondly, if you do manage to make a hand it will be usually be weaker than average, which means you'll lose pots (and therefore money) at showdown more often.

Be More Aggressive

Texas Holdem Strategy Chart

Coupled with a habit of playing more hands than is profitable, newbies will often adopt a passive strategy when they enter a pot.

Instead of raising or re-raising they will usually limp or call and allow another player to take control of the hand. This is potentially fatal because it means the passive player is more likely to be bullied into submission and, therefore, lose the pot.

There's an old adage in poker that you should try to remember if you want to avoid being passive and make more money: 'If a hand is not worth raising, then it's not worth playing.'

Be More Active

Although standard online Texas Hold'em strategy advocates that you take regular breaks, the reality is that most professional grinders never stray too far from their computers.

It may not be the right thing to do, but many online poker pros will put in 18-hour sessions without a second thought for their health, or, indeed, the health of their bankroll.

In the world of Texas Hold'em online, volume is king and if you aren't prepared to sit for hours on end at a computer then being a professional isn't for you.

Always Try and Play in Position

Texas Holdem Position Strategy

Position is king at the poker table and before you enter any pot you should consider where you are in relation to the button, the blinds and to any active players. Essentially this means you should play more hands the closer you are to the button because you'll have the benefit of extra information. Sometimes playing out of position is unavoidable, but if you want to have the greatest advantage over your opponents it's important to always play in position.

Get Ready With Your HUD

Texas Holdem Position Chart

Hand reading is a basic tenet of good poker, but when you're an online pro you can often get away with substandard powers of deduction by using your HUD. A Heads Up Display unit can uncover a multitude of tendencies on your opponent and help your decision making process immensely.